Our Programs

Economic Empowerment

Women who are economically empowered contribute more to their families, societies and national economies.

Women Empowerment and Advocacy (WEA) supports women and girls to meet their basic needs so that they can be able to participate in the civil society and address strategic issues.We have a belief that empowering women and girls economically can also make it easier for them to escape gender-based violence. Leaving an abusive relationship is much more complicated for a woman who is economically dependent on her abuser.

We have supported over 50 women from vulnerable families in Huye district through pig farming project in an effort to improve their livelihoods. We have organized them into Self Help Groups/Savings and Credit Schemes, under which they can save and invest to start income-generating projects and access financial services & market for their produce/products.

Women’s Health care

We’re working to improve and strengthen women’s health care in Rwanda/in southern province with an intention to scale up our health activities across the country and abroad. We are planning to implement a cervical cancer awareness, testing/screening and treatment and Adolescent Family Planning project across southern province, a pilot study will be conducted in Gisagara and Nyaruguru districts of the province. We are applying an integrated Transformative approach to provide the most basic needs of women and girls.  

Women & Girls’ education

Girls’ education transforms lives and communities, girls need to be equipped with skills and capabilities if we need to have skilled and competitive women in our society. Increasing women and Girls’ education and access to resources improves the health and education of the next generation and attainment of gender equality and Empowerment of women and girls thus achieving sustainable development.

Gender Mainstreaming

Globally, gender mainstreaming is a strategy to achieving gender equality. Mainstreaming is not an end in itself but a strategy, an approach, a means to achieve the goal of gender equality.

We strategies to improve the quality of public policies, programs and projects to ensure a more efficient allocation of resources for better increased well-being for both women and men, and the creation of a more socially just and sustainable society.

WEA strive to achieve sustainable development by integrating gender equality and women’s empowerment in its work towards the Journey to Self-Reliance, this is because we believe in the inclusion of the talents and voices of female population to meet sustainable development outcomes.

Our numbers that speak

We have numbers that push us to give in our best and make sure that we break our own records. We are happy to be growing and helping more day by day.
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Women supported
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Girls supported
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Pigs donated
Pigs donated